Rabu, 08 April 2015

Man's and women's in conversation


Good night everybody. Still have spirit this night ?? Yes, of course we must fighting for do anything hehe.

Now I will share about the men's and women's conversations. I think a lot of people claims that there are gender differences in ways of speaking. Each person's life is a series of conversations, and simply by understanding and using the words of our language, we all absorb and pass on different, assumptions about men and women.
In fact speaking style men and women are very different. Men talk too standard, men negotiate to maintain the upper hand in a conversation, men get more air time, men speak openly, speak little as needed.

There are different from the women. Women talk too much, love spending time to discuss that is not important as gossip and let the other person, a woman talks also covered.

If talking at once men tend to lose because women are smarter and more in using words. If they aling compete in speech, women will always want to win.

Essentially women more talkative, whether it's important or not. But they were more than happy to spend time to talk a lot. It's a little opinion. If one or less right I'm sorry. The last I say good bye. See you in next post.
