Senin, 10 Februari 2020

Review nature-e hand and body

Assalamu'alaikum cantik.. Selamat siang dihari minggu yang cerah tapi gak secerah hatiku hehe.
Yaya dari pada aku nganggur ni,gak ada kerjaan,kuliah juga libur mending belajar ngreview body lotion kesayangan yang baru seminggu ini make nya. But meskipun baru seminggu tapi udah ngebet buat sharing hehe.
yeah pertama kali gak ada niatan buat beli nih body lotion, sewaktu masuk kedalem minimarket yang awal niatan cumaan mau beli minum, ehh mata ini gak bias ngelirik yang indah2. Alhasil aku langsung jatuh cinta ngeliat bentuk botolnya yang unik,warna ijo,apalagi merknya nature-e jadi makin jatuh cintrong deh.
Aku suka banget wanginya,apalagi ada butiran vitamin-E sama tabir suryanya sayangnya gak disebutin berapa kandungan tabir surnyanya tapi dibisa dipercaya kok bisa meindungi kulit dari efek sinar UVA+UVB.

Rabu, 08 April 2015

Man's and women's in conversation


Good night everybody. Still have spirit this night ?? Yes, of course we must fighting for do anything hehe.

Now I will share about the men's and women's conversations. I think a lot of people claims that there are gender differences in ways of speaking. Each person's life is a series of conversations, and simply by understanding and using the words of our language, we all absorb and pass on different, assumptions about men and women.
In fact speaking style men and women are very different. Men talk too standard, men negotiate to maintain the upper hand in a conversation, men get more air time, men speak openly, speak little as needed.

There are different from the women. Women talk too much, love spending time to discuss that is not important as gossip and let the other person, a woman talks also covered.

If talking at once men tend to lose because women are smarter and more in using words. If they aling compete in speech, women will always want to win.

Essentially women more talkative, whether it's important or not. But they were more than happy to spend time to talk a lot. It's a little opinion. If one or less right I'm sorry. The last I say good bye. See you in next post.


Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Changes In My Life

Good night gaes. On the night that this whole I stripped many tasks ranging from speaking to be a presentation, and writing me most sad when I have a presentation. ohh lecturer suppose you know my weakness is talking in front of people.But what may make all must I do in order to be able to value. heheheThis all feels heavy. If there is a spirit here that makes me ehh hahaha

All feel different when I had started college. Leave school. Bojonegoro leaving the town and moved in Malang.Independence should be created in me, who had initially every morning at dawn there was a mother who woke, there motorcycle for transportation to school, there is a jacket that is always at the ready, there warm milk from my mother. I seemed to be a spoiled child. hahaha and I have three sisters.

Now a lot of changes in my life. start of the morning had to get up himself, preparing my breakfast, just paced myself.But I think after I moved in the city poor and living in the boarding house makes me even more diligent in worship, especially fasting on Monday and Thursday, I'm also happy to recite after every prayer even now I want qatam al qur an. Alhamdulillah my heart feels happy a lot of changes in me after I moved in Malang.

Hopefully this change will remain until later when I graduated and went home in my hometown, to bring science that I learned from the unfortunate city and beloved university heheheOkay I think enough, tired of typing continue haha.I'll see you in the next post. Bye....Wassalamu'alaikum............


Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Postingan pertama :D hihi

Hai hai welcome, ini postingan pertama aku. Hehe

Mohon maklum yaya karena baru belajar ngeblog. Sebenernya dulu waktu SMA udah pernah punya blog cuman masih males gara gara terlalu sibuk sekolah. sekarang udah kuliah jadi pengen ngeblog sekalian buat posting tugas tugas kuliah juga. Huhu kalo gak gara gara dosen minta tugas diposting diblog kayaknya aku juga gak bakalan mulai ngeblog lagi haha,.

Hmm rasa rasanya masih banyak lagi yang mesti dipelajari dalam dunia blog. karena itu mohon pencerahnya para blogger blogger sekalian:)